Office 365 Users Connection provider lets you access user profiles in your organization using your Office 365 account. You can perform various actions such as get your profile, a user's profile, a user's manager or direct reports and also update a user profile.
Status: Production |
Tier: Standard |
Version: 1.0 |
Name |
Summary |
Update my profile |
Get my profile (V2) |
Update my profile photo |
Get my trending documents |
Get relevant people |
Get my profile (V1) |
Get user profile (V1) |
Get user photo metadata |
Get user photo (V1) |
Get manager (V1) |
Get direct reports (V1) |
SearchUser ([Optional]string searchTerm, [advanced][Optional]integer top) |
Search for users |
Search for users (V2) |
Tests the connection |
UserProfile_V2 (string id, [advanced][Optional]string $select) |
Get user profile (V2) |
Get manager (V2) |
DirectReports_V2 (string id, [advanced][Optional]string $select, [advanced][Optional]integer $top) |
Get direct reports (V2) |
Get user photo (V2) |
Get trending documents |
Name |
Summary |
Name |
Summary |
Resource reference |
Resource visualization |
Summary: Update my profile
Description: Updates the profile of the current user
Office365Users.UpdateMyProfile ([Optional]GraphUserUpdateable_V1 body)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
body |
Updateable parts of user from Graph API |
False |
Summary: Get my profile (V2)
Description: Retrieves the profile of the current user. Learn more about available fields to select:
Office365Users.MyProfile_V2 ([advanced][Optional]string $select)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
$select |
string (Select fields) |
Comma separated list of fields to select. Example: surname, department, jobTitle |
False |
Description: User from Graph API
Summary: Update my profile photo
Description: Updates the profile photo of the current user. The size of the photo must be less than 4 MB.
Office365Users.UpdateMyPhoto (string body, [advanced]string Content-Type)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
body |
True |
Content-Type |
string (Content-Type) |
Image content type (like 'image/jpeg') |
True |
Summary: Get my trending documents
Description: Retrieves the trending documents for the signed in user
Office365Users.MyTrendingDocuments ([Optional]string $filter)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
$filter |
string (Filter query) |
An OData filter to filter the resources selected. Filter selected resources on ResourceVisualization/Type or ResourceVisualization/containerType |
False |
Description: List of trending documents
Summary: Get relevant people
Description: Get relevant people.
Office365Users.RelevantPeople (string userId)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
userId |
string (User (UPN)) |
User principal name or email id. |
True |
Description: Represents a list from the Graph API
Summary: Get my profile (V1)
Description: Retrieves the profile of the current user.
Office365Users.MyProfile ()
Description: Represents a User object in the directory
Summary: Get user profile (V1)
Description: Retrieves the profile of a specific user.
Office365Users.UserProfile (string userId)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
userId |
string (User (UPN)) |
User principal name or email id. |
True |
Description: Represents a User object in the directory
Summary: Get user photo metadata
Description: Get user photo metadata.
Office365Users.UserPhotoMetadata (string userId)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
userId |
string (User (UPN)) |
User principal name or email id. |
True |
Description: Photo Metadata class
Summary: Get user photo (V1)
Description: Retrieves the photo of the specified user if they have one.
Office365Users.UserPhoto (string userId)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
userId |
string (User (UPN)) |
User principal name or email id. |
True |
Summary: Image file content
Summary: Get manager (V1)
Description: Retrieves the profile of the specified user's manager.
Office365Users.Manager (string userId)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
userId |
string (User (UPN)) |
User principal name or email id. |
True |
Description: Represents a User object in the directory
Summary: Get direct reports (V1)
Description: Retrieves the user profiles of the specified user's direct reports.
Office365Users.DirectReports (string userId)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
userId |
string (User (UPN)) |
User principal name or email id. |
True |
Type:array of (User)
Summary: Search for users
Description: Retrieves the user profiles that match the search term.
Office365Users.SearchUser ([Optional]string searchTerm, [advanced][Optional]integer top)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
searchTerm |
string (Search term) |
Search string (applies to: display name, given name, surname, mail, mail nickname and user principal name). |
False |
top |
integer(int32) (Top) |
Limit on the number of results to return. By default returns all entries. |
False |
Type:array of (User)
Summary: Search for users (V2)
Description: Retrieves the user profiles that match the search term (V2).
Office365Users.SearchUserV2 ([Optional]string searchTerm, [advanced][Optional]integer top, [internal][Optional]string skipToken)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
searchTerm |
string (Search term) |
Search string (applies to: display name, given name, surname, mail, mail nickname and user principal name). If not provided then no filtering will be applied. |
False |
top |
integer(int32) (Top) |
Limit on the number of results to return. Minimum value is 1. Default value is 1000. |
False |
skipToken |
string (Skip token) |
Skip token to get next users. |
False |
Description: Class representing entity list response from an Office API.
Summary: Tests the connection
Description: Tests the connection.
Office365Users.TestConnection ()
Summary: Get user profile (V2)
Description: Retrieves the profile of a specific user. Learn more about available fields to select:
Office365Users.UserProfile_V2 (string id, [advanced][Optional]string $select)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
id |
string (User (UPN)) |
User principal name or email id |
True |
$select |
string (Select fields) |
Comma separated list of fields to select. Example: surname, department, jobTitle |
False |
Description: User from Graph API
Summary: Get manager (V2)
Description: Retrieves the profile of the specified user's manager. Learn more about available fields to select:
Office365Users.Manager_V2 (string id, [advanced][Optional]string $select)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
id |
string (User (UPN)) |
User principal name or email id |
True |
$select |
string (Select fields) |
Comma separated list of fields to select. Example: surname, department, jobTitle |
False |
Description: User from Graph API
Summary: Get direct reports (V2)
Description: Retrieves the user profiles of the specified user's direct reports. Learn more about available fields to select:
Office365Users.DirectReports_V2 (string id, [advanced][Optional]string $select, [advanced][Optional]integer $top)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
id |
string (User (UPN)) |
User principal name or email id |
True |
$select |
string (Select fields) |
Comma separated list of fields to select. Example: surname, department, jobTitle |
False |
$top |
integer(int32) (Top) |
Limit on the number of results to return. By default returns all entries. |
False |
Description: List of direct reports
Summary: Get user photo (V2)
Description: Retrieves the photo of the specified user if they have one
Office365Users.UserPhoto_V2 (string id)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
id |
string (User (UPN)) |
User principal name or email id |
True |
Summary: Image file content
Summary: Get trending documents
Description: Retrieves the trending documents for a user
Office365Users.TrendingDocuments (string id, [Optional]string $filter)
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Required |
Related Action |
id |
string (User (UPN)) |
User principal name or email id |
True |
$filter |
string (Filter query) |
An OData filter to filter the resources selected. Filter selected resources on ResourceVisualization/Type or ResourceVisualization/containerType |
False |
Description: List of trending documents
Description: Photo Metadata class
Name |
Type |
Summary |
HasPhoto |
boolean Has photo |
Has photo |
Height |
integer(int32) Height |
Height of photo |
Width |
integer(int32) Width |
Width of photo |
ContentType |
string ContentType |
Content Type of photo |
ImageFileExtension |
string Image File Extension |
File extension for the photo (ex: ".jpg") |
Description: List of direct reports
Name |
Type |
Summary |
value |
array of (GraphUser_V1)
Value |
Description: Class representing entity list response from an Office API.
Name |
Type |
Summary |
value |
array of (User)
Value |
@odata.nextLink |
Next page link |
Description: Trending documents from Graph API
Name |
Type |
Summary |
id |
string Id |
Unique identifier of the relationship |
weight |
number(float) Weight |
Value indicating how much the document is currently trending |
resourceVisualization |
Resource visualization |
resourceVisualization |
resourceReference |
Resource reference |
resourceReference |
Description: Updateable parts of user from Graph API
Name |
Type |
Summary |
aboutMe |
string About Me |
About Me |
birthday |
string(date-time) Birthday |
Birthday |
interests |
array of (string) Interests |
Interests |
mySite |
string My Site |
My Site |
pastProjects |
array of (string) Past Projects |
Past Projects |
schools |
array of (string) Schools |
Schools |
skills |
array of (string) Skills |
Skills |
Description: User from Graph API
Name |
Type |
Summary |
aboutMe |
string About Me |
About Me |
accountEnabled |
boolean Account enabled? |
true if the account is enabled; otherwise, false. This property is required when a user is created. |
birthday |
string(date-time) Birthday |
Birthday |
businessPhones |
array of (string) Business Phones |
Business Phones |
city |
string City |
The city in which the user is located. |
companyName |
string Company name |
The name of the company in which the user works. |
country |
string Country |
The country/region in which the user is located; for example, "US" or "UK". |
department |
string Department |
The name of the department in which the user works. |
displayName |
string Display Name |
Display Name |
givenName |
string Given Name |
Given Name |
hireDate |
string(date-time) Hire Date |
Hire Date |
id |
string Id |
Id |
interests |
array of (string) Interests |
Interests |
jobTitle |
string Job Title |
Job Title |
string |
mailNickname |
string Nickname |
The mail alias for the user. This property must be specified when a user is created. |
mobilePhone |
string Mobile Phone |
Mobile Phone |
mySite |
string My Site |
My Site |
officeLocation |
string Office Location |
Office Location |
pastProjects |
array of (string) Past Projects |
Past Projects |
postalCode |
string Postal code |
The postal code for the user's postal address. The postal code is specific to the user's country/region. In the United States of America, this attribute contains the ZIP code. |
preferredLanguage |
string Preferred Language |
Preferred Language |
preferredName |
string Preferred Name |
Preferred Name |
responsibilities |
array of (string) Responsibilities |
Responsibilities |
schools |
array of (string) Schools |
Schools |
skills |
array of (string) Skills |
Skills |
state |
string State |
State |
streetAddress |
string Street Address |
Street Address |
surname |
string Surname |
Surname |
userPrincipalName |
string User Principal Name |
User Principal Name |
userType |
string User Type |
User Type |
Description: Represents a list from the Graph API
Name |
Type |
Summary |
value |
array of (Person)
Value |
Description: List of trending documents
Name |
Type |
Summary |
value |
array of (GraphTrending) value |
value |
Description: Represents a Person
Name |
Type |
Summary |
id |
string Person id |
A unique identifier for the Person object in the directory |
displayName |
string Display name |
The person's display name |
givenName |
string Given name |
The person's given name |
surname |
string Surname |
The person's surname |
birthday |
string Birthday |
The person's birthday |
personNotes |
string Person Notes |
Free-form notes that the current user has taken about this person |
isFavorite |
boolean Is Favorite? |
If the current user has flagged this person as a favorite |
jobTitle |
string Job title |
The person's job title |
companyName |
string Company name |
The name of the person's company |
department |
string Department |
The person's department |
officeLocation |
string Office location |
The location of the person's office |
profession |
string Profession |
The person's profession |
userPrincipalName |
string User Principal Name (UPN) |
The user principal name(UPN) of the user.The UPN is an Internet-style login name for the user based on the Internet standard RFC 822. By convention, this should map to the user's email name.The general format is alias @domain, where domain must be present in the tenant's collection of verified domains. |
imAddress |
string IM Address |
The person's VOIP SIP address |
scoredEmailAddresses |
array of (ScoredEmailAddress) Scored Email Addresses |
Collection of the person's email addresses with a relevance score |
phones |
array of (Phone) Phones |
The person's phone numbers |
Description: Represents a phone number
Name |
Type |
Summary |
number |
string Phone Number |
The phone number |
type |
string Phone Type |
The type of phone number. Possible values: home, business, mobile, other, assistant, homeFax, businessFax, otherFax, pager, radio. |
Summary: Resource reference
Description: resourceReference
Name |
Type |
Summary |
webUrl |
string Web URL |
A URL leading to the referenced item |
id |
string Id |
The item's unique identifier |
type |
string Type |
A string value that can be used to classify the item, such as "microsoft.graph.driveItem" |
Summary: Resource visualization
Description: resourceVisualization
Name |
Type |
Summary |
title |
string Title |
The item's title text |
type |
string Type |
The item's media type (can be used for filtering for a specific file based on a specific type) |
mediaType |
string Media type |
The items media type (can be used for filtering for a specific type of file based on supported IANA Media MIME types) |
previewImageUrl |
string Preview image URL |
A URL leading to the preview image for the item |
previewText |
string Preview text |
A preview text for the item |
containerWebUrl |
string Container web URL |
A path leading to the folder in which the item is stored |
containerDisplayName |
string Container display name |
A string describing where the item is stored |
containerType |
string Container type |
Can be used for filtering by the type of container in which the file is stored |
Description: Represents a scored email address
Name |
Type |
Summary |
address |
string Email Address |
The email address |
relevanceScore |
number(double) Relevance Score |
The relevance score of the email address. A relevance score is used as a sort key, in relation to the other returned results. A higher relevance score value corresponds to a more relevant result. Relevance is determined by the user's communication and collaboration patterns and business relationships. |
Description: List of trending documents
Name |
Type |
Summary |
value |
array of (GraphTrending) value |
value |
Description: Represents a User object in the directory
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Id |
string User id |
A unique identifier for the user object in the directory. |
AccountEnabled |
boolean Account enabled? |
true if the account is enabled; otherwise, false. This property is required when a user is created. |
BusinessPhones |
array of (string) Business phones |
A list of business phone numbers for the user |
City |
string City |
The city in which the user is located. |
CompanyName |
string Company name |
The name of the company in which the user works. |
Country |
string Country |
The country/region in which the user is located; for example, "US" or "UK". |
Department |
string Department |
The name of the department in which the user works. |
DisplayName |
string Display name |
The name displayed in the address book for the user. This is usually the combination of the user's first name, middle initial and last name. This property is required when a user is created and it cannot be cleared during updates. |
GivenName |
string Given name |
The given name (first name) of the user. |
JobTitle |
string Job title |
The user’s job title. |
string |
The SMTP/email address for the user, for example, "". Read-Only. |
MailNickname |
string Nickname |
The mail alias for the user. This property must be specified when a user is created. |
mobilePhone |
The primary cellular telephone number for the user. |
OfficeLocation |
string Office location |
The office location in the user's place of business. |
PostalCode |
string Postal code |
The postal code for the user's postal address. The postal code is specific to the user's country/region. In the United States of America, this attribute contains the ZIP code. |
Surname |
string Surname |
The user's surname (family name or last name). |
TelephoneNumber |
string Telephone number |
The primary cellular telephone number for the user. |
UserPrincipalName |
string User Principal Name (UPN) |
The user principal name (UPN) of the user. The UPN is an Internet-style login name for the user based on the Internet standard RFC 822. By convention, this should map to the user’s email name. The general format is alias@domain, where domain must be present in the tenant’s collection of verified domains. |